Sunday, 30 August 2015

The Football Attic Podcast 29 - 50GFSE - The Top 5!

As with all good journeys, so too must the 50 Greatest Football Shirts Ever come to an end... and so we hereby present the Top 5! Listen to the "experts" discuss the best football shirts ever created and the detailed reasoning as to why they are what they are. Finally, we take a look at the stats relating to the whole project and discuss some of the feedback we've had along the way. It's a long one...nearly 2 hours! WEST SIIIIIIIIIIIDE!!!! Subscribe...

World Cup Sunshine

It was something Rich Johnson said while we were recording the fifth Football Attic podcast. We were discussing the World Cups of the past and my Attic co-blogger innocently observed that the best tournaments were often the ones with the most sunshine. Think Mexico '70 or Mexico '86... great World Cups that evoke memories of players scoring fabulous goals in stadia bathed in beautiful bright sunlight. Then think of Italia '90... a tournament looked...

Friday, 21 August 2015

Words on Numbers

It's been far too long since we welcomed our old friend Ed Carter into the Football Attic fray, but we're delighted to say he's back once again, this time with some fine observations on the traditions of shirt numbering... I am not mad. On my computer I have a list of every England football squad ever submitted for a major international finals tournament. Remember, please, that I am not mad when I tell you that if every squad was like the one we sent to the 1950 World Cup - where no teams had fixed squad numbers - I would not have bothered...

Sunday, 16 August 2015

The Football Attic Podcast 28 - 50GFSE 12-6

The 50 Greatest Football Shirts Ever! may be finished, but we're not done with it yet! Not while we still have 12 shirts left to blather on about! It's another Jayless pod as he's off definitely not working or something (he told me to say that in case the tax man is listening), so I'm afraid there's only one mention of baselayers... So pop your slippers on, grab a mug of cocoa and settle down in your favourite armchair and let the warmth of Chris,...

Saturday, 15 August 2015

Retro Rewind: 101 Great Goals (BBC, 1987)

By my reckoning, it’s 83 great goals, 15 that might be great and 3 that definitely aren't, but that’s just me being pedantic. And besides, it would have been a far longer and more cumbersome title for a VHS tape that I recall seeing virtually everywhere back in the late 1980’s. I never actually owned a VCR until 1990, but this video cassette cropped up wherever I went, from my local WH Smith to the Virgin Megastore in Oxford Street, London. Though...

Friday, 14 August 2015

50GFSE - The Shirts That Didn't Make It - Rich

It's fair to say that our recent 50 Greatest Football Shirts Ever series has been not only a great deal of fun, but also a giant controversy generator. Obviously, this sort of list is always going to be entirely subjective and given it was compiled by four very strong minded people, it's fair to say there are shirts on the list which often saw us split down the middle. To this end, I thought I'd put together a small post on some of the shirts...

Monday, 10 August 2015

Kit Collection Book - Last 4!

THESE ARE NOW SOLD OUT! I'm currently working on Volume 2 of the Attic Kit Collection Book, but I have 4 remaining copies of Volume 1 available!  If you want one, fill in the form below...I'll then send you an email with details etc. Please note, due to costs, I'm limiting these to the UK only!  (Apologies to any overseas kit lovers.) The original info for the book is below. It's been a long time coming with many, many,...

The Football Attic Podcast 27 - 50GFSE 20-13

So the 50 Greatest Football Shirts Ever may be over, but it's not really over till the fat lady sings...or in this case the middle aged men stop waffling about wicking material and design cues... And so it comes to pass that we present the 3rd podcast in the 50GFSE series, covering shirts 20-13. Not 20-11 I hear not many of you ask? No...we decided to split the last 20 into 3 pods, to give the Top 5 their own show. We're good like that. WEST SIIIIIIIIIIIIIDE! Subscribe...

Sunday, 9 August 2015

The 50 Greatest Football Shirts Ever: Infographic

Contrary to what some of you out there may think, we sweated blood over this countdown. We didn't just discuss the 50 Greatest Football Shirts – we argued about them. Endlessly. At times, we threatened to commit arson to each other’s houses unless certain strident views were toned down and even, on one occasion, resorted to calling each other some very rude names indeed. Strangely, though, it was all worth it. We decided on our 50 favourite shirts...

Saturday, 8 August 2015

[50GFSE] #1 - West Germany 1988-91 Home Shirt by adidas

After over a year of planning, research, discussion, design and sheer hard work producing hundreds and thousands of words for your reading pleasure, we can now proudly reveal our Greatest Football Shirt Ever: Click for larger version This is it - the shirt we believe cannot be beaten on design and sheer beauty, and it belongs to (West) Germany, worn between 1988 and 1991. Often admired and beautifully executed, this was a shirt that opened...

Friday, 7 August 2015

[50GFSE] #2 - England 2009-10 Home Shirt by Umbro

It's time for us to reveal the Second Greatest Football Shirt Ever, but which one will it be? So many iconic designs haven't even been mentioned in our countdown so far, and they can't all occupy the final two spaces of our list... so which shirt takes its place at Number 2? The answer is as follows: Click for larger version It's England's home shirt, worn during 2009 and 2010. Look up 'understated' in the dictionary and you'll find the above...

Thursday, 6 August 2015

[50GFSE] #3 - Netherlands 1988 Home Shirt by adidas

Forty-seven shirts down, and now just three to go in our 50 Greatest Football Shirts Ever countdown. Today, it's time to find out who has won our metaphorical bronze medal in our self-appointed valhalla of shirt design, and it's this... Click for larger version ...the Netherlands home shirt that made as big an impact as the team wearing it during the Euro 88 tournament in West Germany. Worn by the Dutch in only their five games of that campaign,...

Wednesday, 5 August 2015

[50GFSE] #4 - Denmark 1986-87 Home Shirt by Hummel

Stick out your thumb and hitch a ride, everybody - we're heading for Classic Shirt Territory with the latest entry in our 50 Greatest Football Shirts Ever countdown. Today we bring you the brilliant red home shirt worn by Denmark in 1986 and 1987. Click for larger version First worn in the Danes' final World Cup warm-up match against Poland in May of that year, it immediately made an impact with its creative use of pinstripes and contrasting...

Tuesday, 4 August 2015

[50GFSE] #5 - Liverpool 1985-87 Home Shirt by adidas

Our 50 Greatest Football Shirts Ever countdown has reached the last five - the best five shirts, according to the beliefs of the judging panel. For that reason and that reason alone, we thought we'd share all of our comments for each of the last five shirts, rather than letting one of us divulge our thoughts as a representative for the panel. With that in mind, we enter the home straight beginning with Shirt No.5 - the Liverpool home shirt worn...

The Football Attic Podcast 26 - 50GFSE 30-21

OK we're already into the Top 5 of the 50 Greatest Football Shirts Ever! and we're only just getting to chat about shirts 30-21, but hey, we're human and need holidays! These tans don't come out of a bottle ya know! This time, Jay was unavailable so for baselayer fans out there (no-one!), you'll have to go elsewhere for your weird fetish! Deviants! In the meantime, sit back and enjoy Chris, rich & John Devlin waffling on about shirts once...

Monday, 3 August 2015

[50GFSE] #6 - Juventus 1985 Home Shirt by Kappa

When anyone mentions this shirt, it immediately conjures up several names: Platini, Laudrup, Ariston, Tardelli... and er... Rush... maybe... Click for larger version There's no doubt this is an iconic shirt, a stone cold classic, but this Top 50 isn't necessarily about iconic shirts - it's about the greatest designs ever, so can it still hold its own on that front?  The answer is OF COURSE IT DAMN WELL CAN!!!!  Just look at the bloody...