Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Fantasy Nostalgia: Fantasy League 1971/72

Well, there may only be a few weeks of the 1971/72 Football League season left, but we're quietly confident that our Fantasy League team's going to romp home to victory. Oh alright then - here's who we've picked... It won't do any harm to tell you now... ...

Sunday, 26 April 2015

Collectables in 1991-92

If you've recently read Greg Lansdowne's excellent book 'Stuck On You: The Rise & Fall… & Rise Of Panini Stickers', you'll know how much detail he managed to cram into 256 pages about the wonderful world of sticker collecting. Now, especially for Football Attic followers, Greg takes a closer look at a pivotal time in the UK's sticker and card collecting market - the 1991-92 season... Collectables will eat themselves It was the best of...

Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Saint & Greavsie's DVD Football Quiz, 2006

What lucky people we are! As you probably know by now, we love bringing you guest posts written by fabulous writers, and here's another one penned by top blogger Rich Nelson! Rich recently came up with the answer to the question: "Whatever happened to Saint & Greavise?" (whether you were asking it or not), and here he is to tell all... As part of the buzz around last summer's World Cup, my local charity shops got involved and I was sucked in....

Tuesday, 14 April 2015

Worst. Penalty. Ever.

No-one ever said it was impossible not to score from the penalty spot, but at the very least you shouldn't be far off if you miss. The penalty spot, after all, is only 11 metres away (give or take a few centimetres), and the goalmouth itself covers just short of 18 square metres. Having your shot saved by the goalkeeper is entirely possible, but missing the goal by a considerable distance? Well that's got to be virtually impossible, wouldn't you...

Monday, 13 April 2015

The Football Attic Podcast 23 - Best & Worst

Hi folks! It's podcast time again! So which exciting subject are we covering this time? We're not... nope! Rather than talk endlessly about one subject we decided to have fund and do a 'Best & Worst' list type thing, seeing as that's what the interweb seems to like these days. During the course of the show, we throw football nostalgia categories at each other (conversationally speaking) and discuss which are our favourite and least favourite...

Friday, 10 April 2015

The World At Their Feet - Official Film of the 1970 World Cup

It’s a little known fact that several decades ago, the United Nations passed a resolution whereby ‘all references to the 1970 World Cup must mention the 1966 World Cup at some point.’ Applying only to British journalists, publishers and film-makers, this ensured that England’s finest hour was not easily forgotten and was exploited for all its nationalistic hubris until the inevitable fall from grace followed swiftly thereafter. The evidence of...

Thursday, 9 April 2015

Preview: Football Attic Podcast 23

Greetings Podcast lovers and Attic dwellers! Here's a quick message to let you know we're recording Podcast 23 in a couple of days' time, and this one has the simple working title of 'Best and Worst'. Why? It's simple! During the course of the show, we're going to be throwing football nostalgia categories at each other (conversationally speaking) and discussing which are our favourite and least favourite things in those categories. So for instance,...

Thursday, 2 April 2015

Golden Goals (1972)

When I was a kid in the early 1980s, a trip to the local petrol station in my Dad's car didn't provide much in the way of excitement for me. Having filled up the tank and handed over his money in the forecourt shop, he'd return to the car with nothing more than a bunch of tokens for a free whisky tumbler and very little else. Had we been doing the exact same thing in the late 1970's, I might have been handed a small plastic Smurf as a special...