Sunday, 28 September 2014

The Greatest Retro Football Video Game Ever!

Way back in August 2012, on our second ever podcast, we covered the subject of football computer games and it was a whole heap of fun! Chris and I were discussing the subject again recently while also observing it's been a while since we had a decent vote-off here in the Attic. Put 2 and 2 together and you get 4... which is a nice bit of maths for you, but nothing really to do with computer games... To that end, we decided we simply had to decide...

Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Catalogue of Eras: Marshall Ward - Autumn and Winter 1975-76

Once again it's time to plunge into the long-forgotten world of mail order catalogues as we search for football-related delights to remind us of an innocent time before the internet went and spoiled everything. On this occasion, we're going back nearly 40 years to check out a Marshall Ward 'club book' that would have been put to good use in the run-up to Christmas 1975. In our previous instalment, we found that football boots were available to...

Sunday, 21 September 2014

FKS: Soccer Stars 80

It's my firm belief that FKS should probably have been renamed 'NCM' around the start of the 1980's. 'Non compos mentis' is a fair description of what their football sticker collections were like back then, such were the variable standards employed throughout. The new decade should have brought about a new dawn for FKS and its sticker albums in the UK, but instead they continued to churn out yet more of their basic, plain-looking stickers that...

Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Last Chance To Enter The Last Ever League of Blogs

Last chance? Last ever? That sounds like an awful lot of finality... and it is... There's just over three weeks left to get your entries in for the League of Blogs 2014, but not only that - it's your last chance to ever be in the League of Blogs as after this one, there won't be another. The League of Blogs started out as a bit of fun and has always been just that and after three good years, we've decided to retire the feature once this one has...

Commercial Break 2

It’s time once again to dip into the advertising archives as The Football Attic finds a short selection of British TV adverts that all take their inspiration from the world of football. Sit back and enjoy Brian Clough doing some sterling voiceover work (even if his dental work leaves something to be desired), the worlds of Dad’s Army and Fawlty Towers colliding, plus a triple bill of animated stripy chocolate bar delights. As someone once said,...

Tuesday, 16 September 2014

The Football Attic Podcast World Cup Extra No.2

Rich and Jay from are back to finish off their review of the recent World Cup! We were going to cover other stuff too, but ended up quite engrossed in the land of FIFA so consider this the conclusion of our World Cup Extra... Once again Jay and Rich bicker over the pronunciation of certain footballing names, Rich moans about domestic football and Jay tries desperately to make sense of his love for Suarez...and fails......

Friday, 12 September 2014

The Football Attic Podcast Extra No.2 - Vintage Era Football

The Football Attic loves going back to the 1970's and 1980's in search of fabulous nostalgia, but what happens when you go back even further - long before the Second World War and back further still to the late 1800's? The answer comes in the rich seam of wonderful stories about the players, teams and other football folk that made the early days of British football such a glorious era. To confirm that very fact, Chris O met up with Graham Sibley...

Friday, 5 September 2014

Catalogue of Eras: Littlewoods - Spring & Summer 1982

"Like discovering a whole new shopping world in your own home", mail order catalogues have offered people a tempting glimpse through the looking glass into retail heaven for decades. By thumbing through anything up to a thousand colour pages, it was possible to turn your back on those busy high street stores and buy clothes, gifts and all manner of things from the comfort of your Shackleton's high seat armchair. The innocent (if self-indulgent)...

Wednesday, 3 September 2014

League of Blogs 2014 Deadline - Fri 10th October

All good things must come to an does everything else... Several people have asked if they're too late to join the League of Blogs and the answer right now is "NO!" If you're asking on the 11th October, however, the answer will be "YES, WHY WERE YOU SO LAZY????" What I'm getting at is we've now set a deadline for the League of Blogs 2014 entries and that deadline is: FRIDAY 10th OCTOBER at midnight! (23:59:59 for those who wish...