Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Classic Kits - League of Blogs Style

Holland 88, Denmark 86, Coventry City's Brown Away kit (cough)... Classics all of them. The one that intrigued me most yesterday as my mind wandered far from what it should have been concentrating on was Holland 88...mainly as this simple question occurred to me: Did Subbuteo ever produce this kit? From what I recall, Holland only ever had the plain orange shirt in Subbuteo form and it'd be one hell of a complex kit to produce at such a small...

Sunday, 27 May 2012

The League of Blogs - Video gallery

You've probably been hearing a lot about The League of Blogs from us lately (and if it's too much, we apologise!) but we really are jolly pleased with the way everything panned out and the way all you wonderful bloggers came together to form such an impressive array of kit designs. Up to now, your kits have appeared on our wallchart as a JPEG image (which you can view here), but due to technical limitations we haven't been able to show off the...

Friday, 25 May 2012

My First... Football Kit - CCFC Home 1986/7 - Update

One of my first articles on the attic was about my first ever football kit and at the time I had planned to include a pic of me in the thing, but I couldn't find it...well now I have...and instead of just linking to the article, I thought I'd reprint it, including said photo...so...here it is...and ooooh what legs! ....................................................................... I’ll try not to bang on about Mexico 86 too much in any posts...

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

League of Blogs Roll Call

Now the League of Blogs Wallchart is complete, here's the full list of 63 participants. A big thank you to you all! The Football Attic     AndrewCHarding     Nelson's Column     God, Charlton and Punk Rock     Wayward Effort     Football Cliches     Wrong Side of the Pond     Football Fatties     Got, Not Got     Kitbliss We Are The Twins     Miniboro Cork City Kits    ...

The League of Blogs Wallchart is complete!

So it’s finally complete... the League of Blogs Wallchart has had its final (final) FINAL space filled, so let’s all take a moment to reflect on what has been a rather extraordinary journey... The Completed League of Blogs Wallchart  The Journey: This excellent post by Chris got me thinking about my own years as an amateur kit designer and I suggested we design a kit for our blog. Chris agreed and I set about creating what now occupies...

Friday, 18 May 2012

World Soccer: June 1983

SV Hamburg: champions of Europe. That statement might jar your sense of reality unless you transport yourself back to June 1983 when World Soccer reported on the European Cup Final. The reigning Bundesliga titleholders had out-thought and outplayed their opponents, Juventus, to win 1-0 in Athens, the only goal of the game scored by current Wolfsburg manager Felix Magath. Keir Radnedge described in detail how the Italian outfit had been found wanting...

Friday, 11 May 2012

Chris O's Favourite 5... Football TV Theme Tunes

Continuing our 'Favourite 5' series, here's my best five TV theme tunes for British football shows (in no particular order of preference...) 'Jellicle Ball' (World Cup Grandstand, BBC 1982)  A rip-roaring in-your-face toboggan ride of a theme tune, composed by Andrew Lloyd Webber for the musical Cats. It’s a great theme tune because it encapsulates all the drama and excitement usually associated with a World Cup. The quiet start quickly explodes into a bold and (literally) brassy fanfare that hints at the urgency to succeed and the memory...

Monday, 7 May 2012

Radio Times, 8-14 November 1969

Can't help thinking this wouldn't have done much for Franny Lee's street cred back in 1969...

Friday, 4 May 2012

Radio Times: 1971 FA Cup Final preview

For many people, the iconic image of the 1971 FA Cup Final is that of Charlie George slamming the ball past Ray Clemence in the Liverpool goal before celebrating horizontally on the Wembley turf. All that was still to come when the Radio Times was published for the week of 8-14 May 1971, but the big day was still looked forward to with the traditional customary air of excitement and anticipation. On the front cover, Steve Heighway and John Radford...

Thursday, 3 May 2012

The Big Match: Studio Timeline (Part 2)

In the first part of our Studio Timeline, we saw The Big Match embrace all manner of interior design styles from 'Glam Rock' to 'Doctor's Waiting Room.' Here in this concluding part, we witness the decline of the studio space itself as somewhere to conduct interviews and the dwindling use of logos to remind us what it was we were watching all those years ago. August 1975 Style: Explosion in a paint factory Colour scheme: Ever tried...

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

My First...Goal(s)

Exactly how does one determine which of their many goals (we've all scored loads of goals right?) they'd consider to be their first? The particular criterion I've used to decide is this: What do I regard as my first ever 'goal'? That's it...no science here, just plain old 'what feels right' and for me, what feels right as my first goal is the first one I scored in what I regard as some form of proper match.  That proper match was in games...