Monday, 8 May 2017

The Football Attic Podcast 31 Part 2 - Old v New

As sure as night follows day and 'each-way bet' follows Joey Barton, we're back with the second part of our comparison between the football of yesteryear and the football we know in the modern era. The question is, which era's best? Is it the era of clunky football video games, Puma King football boots and hooliganism, or the era of foreign club ownership, complicated football kit design and digital advertising boards? Listen in to the concluding...

Tuesday, 2 May 2017

The Football Attic Podcast 31 Part 1 - Old v New

Hey folks, remember when football nostalgia blogs talked about more than just kits? Halcyon days weren't they? Just like everything from years gone by... waaaaaay better than this modern BS! Or is it? See, we're not convinced everything was better in the past... rickets, for example... To that end, we decided to finish the debate once and for all* and so spent 2 1/2 hours discussing a wide range of subjects and declaring which was better - old...