Monday, 31 October 2016

The Football Attic Kit Podcast 08 - FA Cup Finals Kits of the 80's

It's back to the usual routine for Episode 8 of the Football Attic Kit Podcast as Chris and Rich focus their attention on the main topic this week: The kits of the FA Cup Finals of the 1980's. There's a full and frank assessment of all twenty kits, plus an attempt by your hosts to pick the best Final based on the kits that were worn. Which one would you go for? To start the show, there's Kit News (featuring the latest releases as listed below),...

Wednesday, 5 October 2016

The Football Attic Kit Podcast 07 - 50GFSE Retrospective

For the latest Football Attic Kit Podcast, we've got something special for you. With Chris returning to the UK for the first time in four years, it was inevitable that he would meet up with Rich to record another FAKP - but also to get together with Jay from and John Devlin from! Having found a pub that would accommodate us four unashamed kit nerds, it wasn't long before a podcast was recorded, and...